Top ten things you can do right now to change your results in life instantly


1. Turn off the main stream media

I understand as well as the next person that we all want to be informed of what’s happening in the world. But that doesn’t mean we have to be inundated by ‘The News.’ The TV biased news can be one of the worst things you can watch in today’s world. It programs you without you even knowing it. Today, we have this wonderful thing called the internet. If something happens anywhere in the world that is gonna affect you, or your way of living, you will surely be informed via the internet


2. Respond rather than react

I know that many of us in today’s society can become victims of someone else’s wrong doing, or just in general have a situation happen that really bothers us. But if we would just take the time to pause and remember the old saying; “It is what it is,” and accept it, we will learn to respond to a situation in a calm manner rather than react to it. If you’re dealing with another human being and you respond to a situation rather than react, you take the power out away from that other person. They will now see you as a calm person looking for a solution to the situation. I’ve learned from Michael Beckwith (the minister at agape church in Los Angeles) to harvest the good from any situation.


3. Get up when you wake up!

Some of us get up on our own and some people wake up by way of an alarm clock. But it does you no good to hit snooze for just ten more minutes, even if you only do it once. When you wake up get up. Get into this habit and your days will become so much more productive. In a few months you’re going to wonder why you ever used to hit snooze in the first place. Listen, the morning is the best time of the day. Morning is when we have the opportunity to create a great day or a bad day. And the kicker here is that it is our choice. By moaning and carrying on about needing 10 more minutes of sleep, we are signaling to the universe ‘I need more sleep.’ In doing so, you automatically start the attraction of a bad day.


4. Eat as healthy as possible

I realize that eating healthy can be pricey or sometimes just a pain in the butt. But the truth is that what we eat makes us feel the way we feel. It’s like a domino effect. The repetition of eating well or poor will turn into a habit and start the snowball rolling. If it’s hard to eat perfectly healthy at first, just make better choices here and there. Have the lemonade instead of the Coke. Choose a salad instead of fries with a greasy cheeseburger. It’s all the small choices that will add up and cause great long-term results (bad or good) in our health.


5. Give and help others

There are a lot of people who will argue with this one. That’s fine, but if you don’t help others, how’s the universe supposed to help you? If you don’t have extra funds to be helping or giving to those in need, then give what we all have, and that’s our time. The universe is going to reward you. Care about your community and you’ll get cared for right back. Don’t be like the man standing in front of the wood burning stove saying ‘give me heat then I will put on the wood.


6. Never go to bed in a bad mood

At night when we retire from the day our conscious mind turns off and our subconscious mind continues to operate while we sleep. The last thoughts from our conscious mind are what the subconscious minds thinks about. While we sleep, our subconscious mind works out ways for these thoughts to manifest in our daily lives. The last thoughts on your mind before you drift off to dream land should be positive and uplifting. Don’t end your day with thoughts of lack, bills, problems at work, or drama with kids or spouse.


7. Listen before you speak

It has become so obvious to me that we live in a society where we can’t wait to speak our thoughts or opinions on the subject being discussed. Instead, try listening to what the other person is saying and fully understand them. Let them get good and finished before you start in on the conversation. Imagine the difference it will make if you are calm and collected, and really show an interest in what is being said, before speaking back.


8. Always try to look your best

Just because you don’t have the best or the latest high fashion clothes, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t care about your appearance. Always try to look the best you can when you go out in public. It shows others that you have some respect for yourself. You never know who you will run into. And you want to look decent when you do. You would think most people do, but some don’t shower every day or brush their teeth. Personal hygiene is so important in society today. Take care of it or you won’t be invited back.


9. Read, Read & Read

There is something to be said about reading. Almost all wealthy/successful people read. Mostly self-help books or books that inspire. I myself have developed quite the library. When you read a book, the author has captured all his failures and success stories in a format, that can be read in just a few days. Think of all that knowledge you will absorb from each book. Imagine all the stories and adventures you can assimilate from books. Humans don’t live long enough to become wise solely from their own experience. We become wise by acquiring wisdom from others. Reading is by far the fastest way to gain knowledge and information. Even if it’s only 15 minutes a day, that’s better than nothing. As your life starts to change to will be eager to read more.


10. Write down your goals

Writing is so powerful, yet very few of us do it. When we have a goal we want to reach, we usually think about it, and then instantly cancel it or reason why we can’t have do it or have it. Write it down! Don’t be afraid of someone seeing it or laughing about it. We become, and attract, what we think about. If you’re serious about your goal, get in the habit of writing it down. Think of how awesome it will be to achieve it or have it in your possession. Think about that goal whenever you get a chance. Things that are in harmony with that goal will be attracted to you and start to manifest. As you start to implement these tips in your life, you might only at able to do one or two at first. You will definitely start to see a change in your results. But remember, a big key to success is repetition. Keep on and never settle for less than your ideal. If need be, print this and read it daily. Best to ya!